Colimans Commitment to Fairtrade
Health & Education Impact Programmes
Colimans commitment to Fairtrade is realised through many established and successful health and education programmes.
Located in Tecoman in the state of Colima is one of Mexico’s most pioneering banana producers and exporters- Coliman Group.
Coliman’s primary focus is the growing, packing and marketing of conventional, organic and organic Fairtrade bananas for both domestic and export markets overseas.
Mexico produces on average 2.2 million metric tons of bananas a year but what sets Coliman apart is their relentless commitment to organic production and Fairtrade status.
Referring to their workforce as ‘Collaborators’, Coliman has established many successful projects that have had a positive impact on thousands of Collaborators, families and the surrounding communities.
For Coliman, Collaborators health and wellbeing is a fundamental aspect of the group’s values. That is why they have established health, education, community and environmental initiatives.
This article outlines the health and education programmes put in place to date and the positive impact those initiatives have had on the lives of Collaborators, their families and the surrounding communities.
Colimans Commitment to Health & Education
As part of Colimans commitment to Fairtrade, they have increased access to medical and care services, helped to alleviate the burden of health care costs and the negative impact that the financial and poor health can have on their collaborator’s lives, family and work.
“Every day we fight to offer our Collaborators working conditions that dignify their lifestyle, helping to make them grow professionally but also as people inside and outside our company.” Coliman
Fairtrade Health Programmes & Impact
To date over 4,567 employees have benefited from Colimans diverse healthcare projects. Fairtrade premiums have contributed to providing:
- Financial support with issues not covered by social insurance
- Established visual and oral health campaigns
- Nursing care on the farms
- Breast Cancer screening and prevention
- Sports team and uniform support to encourage active lifestyles and wellbeing.
Additionally, Coliman has invested in improving health care technology and specialist medical departments to help prevent and treat chronic diseases, provide clinical follow-ups and ongoing treatment.
In December 2017, Coliman invested in various specialist healthcare departments including, Glycosylated Haemoglobins, Urinalysis and Anthropometric. These initiatives alone have impacted over 156 collaborators.
In addition to the physical health of their collaborators, Coliman believes that education is key to opening doors, expanding minds and preparing people to face new challenges and opportunities.
Fairtrade Education Programmes & Impact
In 2017 Coliman established four main programmes to benefit collaborators directly and help to support their family’s education.
To date, these programmes have impacted 2,494 beneficiaries.
- Financial support for school kit
- Financial aid for school shoes
- Training
- Higher education
As part of Colimans commitment to Fairtrade criteria for development in 2017 Coliman launched the BECATÉ project. The BECATÉ project offers scholarships for workers and their children from Preschool to master’s level.
As of today, over 394 beneficiaries across 203 of collaborators and families have received financial support for this purpose, a significant achievement considering that this program only began in October of 2017.
Colimans commitment to collaborators and communities, facilitated by Fairtrade premiums has actively supported thousands of people and contributed towards a more sustainable future for all.
Show your support for Fairtrade this week as part of the #FairtradeFortnight campaign and learn how making positive impact purchases can change lives.